Black & White Argyle

Wednesday, May 28, 2014


When I was about 13 I had at least 27 warts on my left knee cap. Yes, I said 27. I remember counting them, and that's the last number I remember reaching. The only reason I even thought of this is because I've got a couple of small, tiny in fact, plantar warts on my hand that I'm trying to freeze off with some over-the-counter stuff. How is it we can forget how much it hurts to do that?! I have to do it again soon, and I'm dreading it. 

Anyway, these warts on my knee were a gross mess. They were bunched up in one spot, but were all over my knee cap. It was ugly and embarrassing. I didn't like wearing shorts because I was afraid that's all people could/would see. Kind of like a pimple on your face. You are convinced that's all people are looking at when they talk to you. Similar fate here with the knee, only who really looks that far down and notices something like that on another person? I don't, and even if I did, I wouldn't care. Big deal. 

But remembering that about my knee made me remember how long it took for all of those warts to go away, and how much it hurt to have them burned off. It left a weird pock scar on my left knee (not really noticeable to anyone but me) from freezing (or burning!) them all off. Now, both knees match. My right knee has the scar from that awful fall at the park where the rock got stuck in the skin of my knee and ruined our end-of-school party after 6th Grade because I spent most of the night in the hospital ER getting stitches. Hey, there's another recollection I'll have to write about soon. It's worth a read. And yes, Shauna was with me. :) 

Isn't it funny, though, how we think the worst of ourselves, even when we can't control the "look" we so despise and are sure others are using to judge us? Those who have curly hair hate it, and those who have straight hair want curly hair. Those that are tall want to be shorter, and those that are shorter wish they were tall. How many times have we looked in the mirror and noticed a minute blemish and suddenly the world is caving in because we have a crater on our face that the whole world can see, and we are convinced it will definitely be marked on satellite images for all future generations to see. We will be hated eternally! Oh. the. drama!!! 

Why can't we just love ourselves the way we are - warts and all? 

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