Black & White Argyle

Friday, April 10, 2015

How are you still married?!

I'm kind of fuming right now, so if this post doesn't make much sense it's because of the steam spouting from my ears.

Today at lunch, I walked across the street to a massive grocery store to pick up part of a birthday present for a sister-in-law. I found what I needed (and then some - I'm a sucker for a good grocery store and interesting food items, plus ... they had specialty cheeses!!!) and headed back to work. It was quite a walk and took longer than I had anticipated (see: cheeses), so I was in a hurry and kind of tired and wishing I'd worn different shoes and basically, I was in my own world. As I'm coming up the last escalator, I get behind a family and hear the following conversation:

Husband to Young Son: "Do you still need to go potty?"
Wife to Husband: "Are you stupid?!"
Husband: " .... "
Wife to Husband: "The restrooms are right there. Can't you see?"
Husband to Wife: "There are restrooms there? I must have missed them."
Wife to Husband: "That's because you're an idiot. Just open your eyes for once!"
Young Daughter to Young Son: SHOVE
Husband to Young Daughter: "Please be nice to your brother and don't shove him."
Wife to Husband: "So are you taking them to the restroom or what? We don't have all day. And where's my phone? You have it. I know you do!"
Husband to Wife: "I have your phone? I don't think I have it."
Wife to Husband: "You're always walking off with my phone. Where is it?! Find it!"
Husband: Frantically looking for Wife's phone and not finding it
Wife to Husband: "If you can't find it you're buying me a new one."
Wife to Young Children: "Stop it! I can't stand it when you do that!"
Husband to Young Children: "Kids, please stop shoving each other. Let's be nice to one another, okay? Let's just keep our hands to ourselves."
Wife to Husband: "If you're not taking them to the restroom let's go. I have things to do. You can mess around with your stupid stuff on your own time."
Husband to Young Children: "Who needs to go to the restroom?"
Wife to Husband: "Just take them already! And find my phone!"

Me: "&*%!%$@^#%$%$^*%$!*$*&!$^$@&*%#$^*%*&^@#$!!!!!!!!!!"

In fact, what I said rather loudly as I finally passed the maddening scene was, "Giiiiiiiiirl, you're lucky he puts up with your nasty, egotistical attitude because any other man would have dumped you on your rear end a LONG time ago!" And then I fumed almost all the way back to work. It made me so mad to see a wife treat her husband like that, especially in front of her children. Her daughter is obviously learning the mother's behavior since she shoved her younger brother for NO REASON WHATSOEVER. He was there, so she shoved him. It happens at home, so she can do it anywhere. Of course that made logical sense to her. If I had known the number for a battered husband's shelter at that moment I would have called it and then called child protective services to have those kids receive some help and counseling in order to have functioning and healthy relationships of their own some day. Heaven knows they're going to need it.

To make matters worse (maybe it does, maybe it doesn't), this woman was wearing designer everything. She didn't have on Target jeans or Walmart boots. She was wearing high-end stuff. The kids were dressed in pretty average apparel, and her husband was dressed in average apparel as well. Did she think putting on the expensive stuff would make her worth more? Because it didn't! And it won't! I know she's a daughter of God, and I really wish I could have seen her in that way, but at that moment she was a child of the Devil by the way she acted. I don't profess to know what their home life is like, but I can bet you it's pretty close to what I witnessed today (if not worse), and for that my heart breaks. That husband deserves more and so do those kids.

The bright spot? I re-entered Temple Square and noticed a new groom and bride waiting to have their pictures taken on the pedestal near the water fountain with the temple as their background (commonplace occurrence around these parts; happens almost daily). They were looking on as another couple became engaged on that very pedestal. It made me smile, and then it made me send up a quick prayer that those two couples would treat each other with more respect and dignity than the woman I had just heard.

If my hands hadn't been full I would have been tempted to slap Miss Attitude. She should thank heavens for grocery bags full of birthday gifts, dog treats, and lunch.

1 comment:

  1. Moments like those, I wish I didn't have a hearing impairment as I too would call out the injustice and vent my displeasure. Unfortunately, I have witnessed similar things but by the time I can make sense of what has happened it is too late to make a statement. Kudos to you for doing so; more people need to be checked.
