Black & White Argyle

Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Hindsight is 20/20

I graduated from high school in 1995. Just three short years later, the world was watching as the Clinton-Lewinsky scandal broke and the President of the United States was threatened with impeachment. The allegations actually started in 1994 when a woman Clinton worked with in 1991 came forward saying that Clinton had made unwanted sexual advances towards her and, in so doing, had violated her civil rights. Monica Lewinsky began working in the White House in 1995 as an intern. In November of that same year, she began having a sexual relationship with President Clinton, a married man. (You can research more about the topic by simply Googling it.) 

As a young 21-year-old woman at the time, I didn't really understand what all the "fuss" was about regarding this supposed affair between the President and Monica Lewinsky. So he was a cheat. Big deal! She was young and impressionable and made a stupid decision to sleep with a married man. Her problem! Hilary didn't have the guts to leave a cheat because the money was too good. I guess if you care more about money than yourself, so be it! Those were my basic thoughts about the whole thing. Surely there need not be any consideration about future problems that would result from this issue. Or so I thought. 

I remember Mom and Dad talking about what was happening with the President. I remember them saying how all the publicity about it was going to open the floodgates to worse things happening. I remember them discussing how it would change the world's views on sexual relations, inappropriate relationships, and adultery. But as a young woman with her whole life ahead of her, I didn't really see how the President being an idiot would impact my life or the lives of those I loved directly. 

Fast forward 17 years to the legalization of gay marriage. (This is not a debate about whether gay marriage is right or wrong.) I can look back over the last 17 years and see exactly what Mom and Dad were talking about and why they were concerned for the welfare of their children and grandchildren because of what happened with President Clinton and Monica Lewinsky. The floodgates were opened, and suddenly we started to see television shows that celebrated sexual relations outside of marriage, messages that adultery was okay as long as you were in love with the other person, and the breaking up of families through divorce and other selfish reasons that supposedly "made everyone happy." There were also shows with people "coming out", shows accepting lifestyles that were "do what you want if it makes you happy", and full of alcohol and drug use. And now we have television shows where people are openly gay and applauded for their lifestyle, shows full of innuendo (even in shows for young children), shows full of drug use and alcohol abuse, shows full of physical and emotional and verbal abuse against men and women and children, and shows that tell us the world is still living in the dark ages because we don't accept all of these things as "normal", "acceptable", or "reasonable." Yes, now I understand what my parents were talking about. 

And since hindsight is 20/20, I see similar things happening with the legalization of gay marriage. Several of the young women I taught for years (and discussed the ramifications for society of legalizing gay marriage and accepting actions and behaviors and lifestyles that weren't in accordance with God's will) are now openly following, liking, and even supporting the legalization of gay marriage. The problem is they are where I was 17 years ago. Their eyes have yet to be opened. They have yet to understand and comprehend fully the ramifications of what this means for society as a whole and for religious people who believe in and try to live Christian values. Where will that leave us in another 17 years? 

It breaks my heart to see how easily and how willingly young people have accepted what has been forced upon them by the very loud minority. Instead of following their parents examples of loving all, treating all with kindness and respect, and doing all of that without condoning what is wrong in the eyes of God, they are openly defying what they were taught (at least in my class) that they can love the sinner and hate the sin, they can be kind and thoughtful and respectful without condoning beliefs that don't make our Heavenly Father happy, and that they can (and should!) openly support marriage between one man and one woman because it really is the best way for children to grow and thrive. It's not just a matter of loving who you want to love. It's a matter of saving our society from deteriorating to the point of no return. 

If I could save them from having 20/20 hindsight later, I would! I've wished several times in the last 17 years that I had been clued in better to what was happening and be able to listen to my parents with a more open mind. If I had, I might have seen what was coming and been more prepared to deal with it. It looks like some, however, have to have that "live and learn" experience. But boy, oh boy, can it be rough! And I'm afraid we're headed for some very murky and rough waters in the next 17 years. 

The one bright shining hope, however, is the promise that if we live the way we're supposed to live and do what we're supposed to do, we will recognize the Savior when He comes and eventually be able to return to live with Him and with our Heavenly Father. I'll admit that sometimes I pray for that day to come sooner rather than later, especially knowing what we'll have to face as religious people and as a society in the coming years. It will not get any easier to live by standards deemed "old" or "out of date" by others. As I think about the blessings that came to the righteous in Book of Mormon times, however, I see that bright, shining hope glowing ever brighter. 

And THAT is what keeps my sanity.

*I had this post written on the morning of June 30, 2015 as a "scheduled" post to go out tonight (thus you see the time as 7:40 pm). At about 4:00 p.m. today, I saw the following link online and it says basically what I was trying to say here, only the article says it better. In case you are interested in reading it: 

1 comment:

  1. Did you see the FB postings of some prophetic statements that Neal A. Maxwell made? Patience my unfolding are part of the great winding up scenes and the triumphant return of the Mighty One of Israel.
